

13 more complete EHR systems get ONC nod for 2014 certification

Since the 16-day government shutdown in October, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology reports that 13 complete electronic health record (EHR) systems have been added to the ranks of those achieving 2014 edition certification for Meaningful Use.

Since the 16-day government shutdown in October, the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology reports that 13 complete electronic health record (EHR) systems have been added to the ranks of those achieving 2014 edition certification. All providers will need to be on systems in the 2014 edition of certified EHR technology when starting the 2014 EHR reporting period for the government's Meanigful Use 2 incentive program.

As of November 21, 34 EHR software companies had achieved this certification status for complete EHR systems. The most recent group gaining 2014 edition certification include market stalwarts like eClinicalWorks, Henry Schein, MEDITECH, and iPatientCare.

This chart shows all of the companies/systems reaching 2014 edition certification for complete EHR systems. It was originally published in the Medical Economics Oct. 25 issue ranking the top 100 EHR companies.

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