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capitol hill congress washington dc summer sunset: © Philip -
Senators to Steward Health Care execs: ‘How do you live with yourself’ when gutting hospitals, communities, the American health system?

September 12th 2024

Witnesses describe dire hospital conditions created by ‘health care terrorists’ as lawmakers rip private equity investors for massive bankruptcy case.

If health care is broken, doctors and patients must ‘grasp the levers of change’ starting at the ballot box, advocate says

September 11th 2024

© Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
Trump vs. Harris on health care: ‘Maintain and grow’ the ACA, or develop ‘concepts of a plan’ to replace it?

September 11th 2024

Jiang Li, PhD © VivaLink
With Hospital at Home waiver set to expire, patients overwhelmingly support home care

September 10th 2024

Trump vs Harris: What will the next president do for health care?

September 10th 2024

Video Interviews
Ep 35: Joseph Betancourt, MD, on health care consolidation

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