Selling a practice: Other sale considerations
What you need to know about selling a practice
Safe visitor management protocols
Andrea Greco, SVP of healthcare safety at CENTEGIX, talks visitor management protocols to keep practices safe.
Selling a practice: Does having family members on staff hinder a sale?
What you need to know about selling your practice
Why 80% of incidents of workplace violence go unreported
Andrea Greco, SVP of healthcare safety at CENTEGIX, talks about barriers to reporting incidents of workplace violence.
Selling a practice: Does the type of buyer change the process?
Situational awareness for practice staff
Andrea Greco, SVP of healthcare safety at CENTEGIX, discusses the importance of situational awareness for incident responders in medical practices.
Establishing a culture of safety and well-being in your practice
Andrea Greco, SVP of Healthcare Safety at CENTEGIX, offers actionable advice to foster a culture of safety and well-being in medical practices.
An unsafe practice means worse patient care
Andrea Greco, SVP of Healthcare Safety at CENTEGIX, explains how workplace violence impacts patient care.
Selling a practice: Why buyers are looking at more than just profitability
Selling a practice: When things go wrong
Primary Care Scorecard: ‘We have to put primary care first’
A discussion about primary care with the president of the Milbank Memorial Fund.
Primary Care Scorecard: ‘More than enough money’ for good primary care
Primary Care Scorecard: Reforming graduate medical education
Primary Care Scorecard: Why primary care is losing physicians
Selling a practice: Common misconceptions about selling
Primary Care Scorecard: Medicare undervalues primary care
Primary Care Scorecard: A surprising finding
Primary Care Scorecard: How it started
Primary Care Scorecard: An introduction to the Milbank Memorial Fund
A discussion about primary care with the leader of the Milbank Memorial Fund.
Selling a practice: The challenges of selling a multi-state practice
Selling a practice: How to remain HIPAA compliant during a sale
Selling a practice: How compensation agreements can complicate a sale
Selling a practice: The billing issues that can come up during a compliance review
Selling a practice: What role does the staff play in compliance before and during a sale?
An unclear partnership: A look at collaboration between physicians and APPs
New research explores some of the reasons why physicians and APPs don't always collaborate as well as they should.
Selling a practice: What is a compliance review and why is it important?
What you need to know before selling your practice
An unclear partnership: What is the one thing primary care physicians should take away from the research?
What is the one thing primary care physicians should take away from this research on collaboration between them and APPs?
An unclear partnership: What has to change to enable better collaboration?
What has to change for physicians and APPs to work better together?
An unclear partnership: What is the patient perspective on APP and physician collaboration?
What is the patient perspective on APPs and physicians and how should it influence future changes?
An unclear partnership: How payment models affect APP-physician collaboration
How payment models affect APP-physician collaboration