
AI-powered health care leadership


AI offers streamlined performance assessments, personalized development plans, and tailored feedback mechanisms that foster trust and support growth within health care teams.

AI-powered health care leadership: ©Catalin -

AI-powered health care leadership: ©Catalin -

The traditional leadership structures of medicine are being redefined, necessitating adaptation within health care organizations. The COVID-19 pandemic further intensified these challenges, heightening demands on physicians and escalating expectations from patients, nurses, and healthcare staff.

To effectively address these evolving dynamics, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into medical management and patient care practices emerges as a critical solution. AI offers streamlined performance assessments, personalized development plans, and tailored feedback mechanisms that foster trust and support growth within health care teams. By leveraging AI in this capacity, health care organizations can effectively bridge the soft skills gap, reduce burn-out, enhance patient care, and cultivate positive employee experience.


The global landscape is undergoing a significant shift towards decentralization across various sectors. This trend is exemplified by the evolution of financial transactions with the rise of cryptocurrencies, reflecting a move towards decentralized approaches to money. Additionally, emerging technologies like Web3 and blockchain promise a distributed online ecosystem beyond finance and technology, impacting traditional work dynamics.

However, in fields like medicine, where entrenched practices persisted for centuries, this move towards decentralization poses challenges. It challenges established norms, impacting fundamental relationships such as those between doctors, nurses, and patients, resulting in burnout, high turnover, and poor patient experiences within the medical industry.

The Status Quo

Physicians traditionally hold a leadership role akin to the “working manager” within the medical domain, overseeing and managing teams while still performing work in patient care such as surgery. This entrenched leadership model has been characterized by a culture of autocracy where doctors hold authority.

Historically, certain gaps in soft skills among clinicians were tolerated due to the demanding nature of their expertise and patient care responsibilities. However, the landscape has shifted significantly, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, with rising expectations from patients and health care staff for improved communication and support.

The “New” Normal

To navigate this changing landscape, doctors must prioritize soft skills and adapt to new challenges. Leveraging AI as a viable solution can offload both patient and leadership responsibility from doctors allowing them to focus on what is important, while meeting new expectations. Integrating AI technologies into medical management and patient care practices is crucial for addressing the soft skills gap among doctors, optimizing interactions, workflows, and enhancing patient care and employee experience. Below is a list of AI applications which could be used to foster positive employee experience, reduce burn-out and improve patient outcomes in healthcare organizations:

  • Building Rapport: AI can analyze communication patterns and interactions between doctors and nurses, identifying areas for improvement and offering personalized recommendations to enhance teamwork and mutual understanding. AI also plays a pivotal role in developing doctors' soft skills by offering personalized recommendations and guidance on areas where improvement is needed. It can proactively identify issues like unintentional tone problems and provide actionable recommendations to repair relationships and promote positive rapport.
  • Improving Performance Reviews: Leveraging AI to assist with annual performance reviews for staff enables doctors to conduct data-driven, objective, and constructive evaluations. For example, many performance review scores are tied to an organization’s values. AI can provide real-time performance feedback throughout the year on how each staff member is aligned with those values, resulting in less surprises and less bias at performance review time. This innovative use of AI optimizes performance management practices, ensures consistency in evaluation criteria and feedback delivery across the healthcare team, promoting fairness and transparency in performance management practices.
  • Tailoring Development Plans: AI can play a key role in supporting ongoing professional development initiatives within healthcare teams by generating personalized growth plans for each team member. By analyzing performance data and identifying skill gaps or training needs, AI can recommend tailored development plans and resources. This approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement among nurses and staff, ensuring that individuals receive targeted support to enhance their skills and capabilities. The benefit of AI-generated personalized growth plans is the optimization of professional development efforts within health care teams. This tailored approach ensures that each team member receives specific guidance and resources aligned with their unique needs, contributing to enhanced skill development, improved performance, and a more effective and motivated health care workforce.
  • Refining Communication Skills: In scenarios where a doctor needs to deliver difficult news, such as a cancer diagnosis, doctors can use an AI chatbot application specifically designed to assist in delivering bad news sensitively and effectively by preparing clinicians for the conversation and simulating potential conversation outcomes. By utilizing an AI chatbot application in this scenario, the doctor benefits from a safe and supportive environment to practice and refine their communication skills for delivering difficult news to patients. This innovative use of technology enhances the doctor's ability to navigate emotionally challenging conversations with empathy and professionalism, improving patient experiences and outcomes during critical moments of care.


Doctors, historically in authoritative roles, face increasing demands for improved soft skills amid rising expectations from patients and staff. Integrating AI becomes crucial to optimize interactions and workflows, enhancing patient care and addressing the soft skills gap among doctors while fostering positive employee experience and reduced burn-out of clinicians in health care organizations.

Seckin Secilmis is the founder and CEO of 5fn.

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