

App reviews from practicing physicians

George G. Ellis Jr., MD, FACP, recommends two reference apps and a medical calculator.

There are an estimated 40,000 medical apps currently available, and the number is growing. Beginning in this issue, Medical Economics is taking a closer look at some of your favorities. Send your best and worst apps to

With more than 200 medical formulas, scores, scales, and classifications, MedCalc from Pascal Pfiffner and Mathias Tschopp was developed by doctors for doctors. The app is available in English, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, German, and French for use on the iPhone and iPod Touch.

It features:

The app as "simple to use" and "packed" with intensive care unit/emergency department formulas.

"MedCalc Pro's ability to search formulas by categories versus alphabetical is extremely useful, as is its ability to save favorites and formulas by patients."

MedCalc sells for $1.99, and MedCalc Pro sells for $4.99. Both can be downloaded from the iTunes Store.

-Reviews submitted by George G. Ellis Jr., MD, FACP, Boardman, Ohio.


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