


Cancer around the world; acne treatments in primary care; eye damage from the eclipse and beyond – Morning Medical Update

The top news stories in medicine today.

physician in uniform holding morning coffee: © meeboonstudio -

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Cancer around the globe

As of 2022, there were an estimated 20 million cancer cases diagnosed, and that number could jump to 35 million by 2050 due to aging and population growth. The American Cancer Society has published its “Global Cancer Statistics, 2024,” the organization’s tally of global cancer facts and trends. Here is data for physicians and other clinicians, for patients and consumers, and an accompanying news release.

More than just skin deep

Acne is not just a teenage affliction – in fact, it’s the eighth most prevalent disease in the world. Here’s an article about what primary care physicians need to know about acne vulgaris, and how they can help their patients, especially women dealing with acne into their 20s and 30s.

Beyond the eclipse

When you looked up yesterday, were you able to watch the total solar eclipse visible across part of the United States? Watching a solar eclipse is the leading cause of solar retinopathy, but it’s not the only one. Check out this article on long-term effects of solar retinopathy.

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