


COVID-19 booster approvals; fighting opioid use disorder; Social Security asks for money back – Morning Medical Update

The top news stories in primary care today.

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Quicker authorization, more lives saved

A new study examined how many lives might have been saved from COVID-19 if the United States had moved faster to launch booster shots. Researchers examined the American approach and compared it with Israel’s.

MORE to combat OUD

Females in treatment for opioid use disorder could benefit from MORE, Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement. The intervention centers on three therapeutic processes: mindfulness of attention becoming fixated on addictive cues; reappraisal to disengage from negative emotions and addictive behaviors; and savoring naturally rewarding experiences, according to an accompanying news release.

Social Security clawing back money

If your older patients have trouble paying their medical bills, maybe it’s because they're returning money to the Social Security Administration. The federal agency has demanded money back from more than 2 million people a year, according to KFF.

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