The top news stories in medicine today.
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June 1 to 7 was National CPR and Automated External Defribrillator (AED) Awareness Week. It’s not too late to celebrate. The American Heart Association is raising awareness about potentially life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation through Heart Walk events nationwide this year. Join one and tell your patients to tell their employers to become champions of CPR, because nine of 10 people who have a heart attack outside a hospital die.
In 2022, more than 48,000 people – or about 132 a day – died by guns in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The administration of President Joe Biden hopes to enlist physicians and hospitals as allies gathering data about injuries and spreading the word about gun safety. KFF has details.
A new study examining years 2007 to 2021 found calls to 55 U.S. poison centers peaked in 2008 and have been decreasing steadily since then. But the severity of calls is booming for adults and children. For example, intentional exposures that resulted in deaths of adults, including suicide attempts, use of illegal drugs, and incorrect use of medications, skyrocketed by 233.9% in the study period. Here are the data and an accompanying news release.