

FDA approves non-opioid pain drug


Orphengesic Forte is a non-addictive, non-opioid drug now approved by the FDA.

The FDA has approved a new non-opioid drug for treatment of mild to moderate pain, according to a press release.

Galt Pharmaceuticals announced July 16 that Orphengesic Forte has been approved two months ahead of time via the FDA’s supplemental abbreviated new drug application program as a safer alternative for pain management. That approval was made July 8.

Orphengesic Forte is non-addictive, non-controlled, and non-opioid drug that is comprised of orphenadrine citrate, aspirin and caffeine, according to the company news release.

“This is a big win in the fight against the U.S. opioid epidemic and the FDA’s swift early action confirms the seriousness of the issue,” said Barry Patel, PharmD, CEO and co-founder of Galt Pharmaceuticals in the news release. “Orphengesic Forte is a proven safer pain management alternative healthcare providers can consider before prescribing an opioid.”

Orphengesic Forte is intended for use by patients who suffer from mild to moderate pain. Other measures such as physical therapy will be prescribed as well. According to the CDC, 20 percent of U.S. adults suffer from chronic pain. As a result, it is one of the most common reasons individuals seek medical care.

“The medical community is in great need of alternative therapeutic options to treat pain,” said Tapan Daftari, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon with Resurgens Orthopedics. “Orphengesic Forte helps to meet that need because pain is very personal.”

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