

Friday 5 from Endocrinology Network - April 23

The Friday 5 from Endocrinology Network is a list composed by the Endocrinology Network editorial staff aimed at highlighting relevant coverage from endocrinology and endocrinology-related fields.

Every Friday, Endocrinology Network provides a curated list of 5 articles focused or related to a particular topic in endocrinology. This week, the Friday 5 from Endocrinology Network highlights the 5 most popular articles from the past week.

Diets Characterized by Pro-Inflammatory Foods Linked to Low Testosterone in Men

An analysis of dietary patterns from more than 4,000 men in NHANES suggests a diet with a greater intake of inflammatory foods was associated with a nearly 30% increase in odds of developing testosterone deficiency.

Migraine Prior to Menopause Could Signal Increased Hypertension Risk

Data from a cohort of more than 50k French women indicates the presence of migraine prior to entering menopause was associated with a nearly 30% greater risk of developing hypertension.

FDA Makes Historic First Approving NEXTSTELLIS, an Oral Contraceptive Containing E4

The approval, which was awarded to Mayne Pharma, makes NEXTSTELLIS the first and only contraceptive pill containing E4, a natural occurring estrogen to receive approval from the FDA.

ACC/AHA 2017 Exercise Recommendations May Not Be Enough to Prevent Hypertension

An analysis of the CARDIA study by investigators at UCSF suggests a recommendation of 5 hours of physical activity per week may be more appropriate than the current ACC/AHA recommendation for reducing the risk of hypertension.

Research Identifies Genetic Variants that Might Predispose Pregnant Women to Rare Heart Condition

An analysis of more than 400 women with peripartum cardiomyopathy is providing insight into a group of genetic variants that could help identify patients who are genetically predisposed to the rare cardiovascular condition.

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