

Friday 5 from Endocrinology Network - April 30

The Friday 5 from Endocrinology Network is a list composed by the Endocrinology Network editorial staff aimed at highlighting relevant coverage from endocrinology and endocrinology-related fields.

Every Friday, Endocrinology Network provides a curated list of 5 articles focused or related to a particular topic in endocrinology. This week, the Friday 5 from Endocrinology Network highlights the 5 most popular articles from the past week.

Endocrine Month in Review: April 2021

April's month in review features stories related to new diabetes medications, stem cells, disparities in care of women, and how exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in pregnancy can impact mental health following delivery. Check back in during the last weekend of each month for the next Endocrine Month in Review.

Bariatric Surgery Lowers Mortality, Risk of Events in Patients with Diabetes and Obesity

A retrospective analysis of matched cohorts has led investigators to suggest bariatric surgery should be viewed as a first-line treatment for the management of obesity in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Endocrinology Case Report: Syncope and ST-Elevation

Our latest case report from Brady Pregerson, MD, features a middle-aged woman brought to the emergency department by paramedics as a field-activated ST-elevation MI. Check out the EKG and see if you can determine the correct diagnosis.

Phenotypes Associated with Severe COVID-19 Similar Among Patients with and without Diabetes

A systematic review and meta-analysis of data from nearly 2 dozen studies is providing new insight into the phenotypes of patients with diabetes associated with worse outcomes from COVID-19.

Age at Onset of Type 2 Diabetes Could Help Predict Risk of Dementia

An analysis of data from 10k patients in the UK suggests onset of type 2 diabetes at an earlier age could signal increased risk of dementia later in life.

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