


Health care spending per person: 12 states where it is highest — a slideshow

New study outlines health care spending down to the county level.

The United States spends, in aggregate, billions of dollars on health care.

Among the 50 states, some states spend more per person on health care, and some have much lower per capita expenditures, for greater or lower total spending amounts.

“Tracking U.S. Health Care Spending by Health Condition and County” was published Feb. 14 in JAMA. Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) compiled data for 3,110 counties by four payers, 148 health conditions, 38 age and sex groups, and seven types of care.

There were billions of claims involved in the analysis.

This slideshow presents the top 11 states, and the District of Columbia, with the most health care spending per person as of 2019, and their ranks among the 50 states for per person spending. All data come from the study and its accompanying state-level data sheets.

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