

How to set up a drive-thru flu shot clinic at your practice

A step by step guide to making it a reality.

The COVID-19 pandemic has added a wrinkle to my practice’s plans to administer more than 1,000 influenza vaccines to our parents.

In previous years we would put families in an exam room, administer the shot or live nasal vaccine, and send everyone back out through the waiting room packed with other families waiting their turn. We did this both during regular office hours and also during some after hour times in the evening and on weekends.

This traditional approach will not work this year for several reasons that can be summed up in two words: global pandemic.

So, here in Raleigh, North Carolina , we have come up with a plan.

We have all seen pictures on TV of long lines of cars with persons waiting their turn for a COVID-19 test or to pick up some free groceries.

Why wouldn't this “drive through” approach work for your office in giving vaccines?

We have plans to put our drive-thru clinic into action in October. Here’s a step by step guide you can use to set up your own similar clinic at your practice.

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