

ICD-10 deadline solid, CMS says

Medicare implementation of ICD-10 is on track for the October 2014 compliance date, but the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will continue to work in partnership with industry to assist all healthcare segments-and especially small providers-with making a successful transition from ICD-9.

If you're hoping for more time to get ready for the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10), you're out of luck. The October 1, 2014, compliance date remains in place, accoding to Denise Buenning, MsM, deputy director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS') Office of E-Health Standards and Services.

CMS will continue to work in partnership with industry to assist all healthcare segments-and especially small providers-in making a successful transition from ICD-9, added Buenning, speaking at the ICD-10 CM/PCS and CAC Summit sponsored by the American Health Information Management Association.

ICD-10 is an essential component to tracking more detailed healthcare data and strengthening a national health information infrastructure, she added. It increases the number of diagnosis codes from about 13,600 to about 69,000.

“CMS is dedicated to the transition to ICD-10,” Buenning said. “Given that ICD-10 is essential to greater interoperability, information-sharing, and ultimately providing better patient care and lowering healthcare costs, we are continuing to move forward with our ICD-10 implementation efforts in full anticipation of the October 1, 2014, compliance date.”

ICD-10 is a central part of CMS’ E-Health initiative, which includes meaningful use, electronic quality measures, and payment reform. Buenning said that ICD-10 implementation will make clinical records "come alive," adding that the increased detail from the ICD-10 codes will provide a more accurate assessment of population health.



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