

Introducing Medical Economics and the 360 Network

When Medical Economics first landed in the hands of physicians back in 1923, TB and typhus were plagues of the day, and penicillin and insulin were newfound weapons against illness. They were groundbreaking developments at the time, but they have given way to far greater advances and vastly superior technology.

When Medical Economics first landed in the hands of physicians back in 1923, TB and typhus were plagues of the day, and penicillin and insulin were newfound weapons against illness. They were groundbreaking developments at the time, but they have given way to far greater advances and vastly superior technology.

Of course, the way physicians manage their careers has also changed dramatically since the era of Norman Rockwell. And Medical Economics is changing along with you, from our new print design to the launching of our interactive 360 Network, your guide to the offerings at our all inclusive portal site.

Highlights of our New Look



to watch a video introduction of the 360 Network.

You might say our 360 spin has returned us to where we started: Serving your every career need, just as we have since 1923. Medicine has grown remarkably since those days, and so has Medical Economics. Welcome to the 360 Network!

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Erich Burnett

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