

Letter to the Editor: Linking MOC to reimbursements is power grab

A reader says that the MOC certification process is unnecessary and overpriced.

I am a young physician who has recently started my career. I am double boarded in pediatrics and pediatric cardiology. The MOC in pediatric/peds cardiology is a joke. The educational requirements are virtually no different from any other continuing medical education that can be found elsewhere. The practice improvement requirements are completely out of touch with a private practice physician.

It is painfully clear that the academics that run the MOC show (in pediatrics) are out of touch with physicians practicing outside of an academic environment. Other projects are very invasive, asking for detailed information about the patients and population that I see. I do not feel like I should reveal that data to anyone.

The link to reimbursement is a clear power grab by an already overpriced, money-hungry organization. The presidents of these organizations are paid far more than most physicians can ever hope to make and want to keep an already gluttonous revenue stream flowing. Does it really cost more than $2,500 to give a computerized test? More proof that they are reaching for additional power is their attempts to have state boards link licensure to board certification and MOC.

The final problem is that we are not on a level playing field. The older, grandfathered physicians get a free pass, with the newer docs having to do all these expensive, time-consuming, and worthless exercises.


James A. Bishara, MD

Lafayette, Louisiana

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