

Make your manual a 'go-to' guide for everyone on staff

It's easy to put off updating your practice's office procedures manual. Here's why you should keep it up-to-date.

Q: The last office procedure manual we developed for our practice was created at least 10 years ago. Knowing that it's more than past time to update it, what information should we make sure to include in the new version?

This manual should be the "go-to" guide for everyone involved in your practice to learn how to perform the practice's daily business correctly and efficiently. This includes new employees, temporary workers, managers, physicians, and everyone else on staff. A well-written, organized procedure manual helps all workers understand what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. It also provides some degree of legal protection by setting clear expectations and policies-from hiring to day-to-day activities to disciplinary protocol and dismissals.

Answers to readers' questions were provided by Thomas J. Ferkovic, RPh, MS, managing director of SS&G Healthcare Services LLC, Akron, Ohio. Send your practice management questions to Also engage at and

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