

Meaningful Use payments surpass $24.8 billion

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has paid more than $24.8 billion in meaningful use incentive payments to providers and hospitals, according to a recent report.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has paid more than $24.8 billion in meaningful use incentive payments to providers and hospitals, according to a recent report.

READ: CMS issue EHR meaningful use rule

CMS official Elisabeth Myers presented the latest numbers September 3 at the Health IT policy committee meeting. According to the report, 90% of eligible professionals (EPs) have registered for the Medicare or Medicaid electronic health record (EHR) incentive program, and so far more than 400,000 EPs have received an incentive payment.  

The number of providers who have attested to meaningful use has seen a sharp increase since CMS’ report earlier this year. As of August 25, 2014, 8,024 EPs and 436 hospitals have attested for the 2014 reporting period. Of those reporting, 3,152 EPs and 143 hospitals attested to meaningful use stage 2 (MU2).

“We expect to see the numbers continue to go up,” Myers said. “You can see that these numbers are significantly different than what we were getting last quarter.”

In CMS’ July report, only 972 EPs and 10 hospitals had attested to MU2.

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