Expert presenters offer insights to unlock potential as a healthcare professional and a business owner.
Practice Academy
© Medical Economics
Medical Economics’ Practice Academy continued Sept. 12 with another live learning event with educational sessions on burnout, practice efficiency, practice growth, and finance & wealth.
The sessions dealt with pressing issues in medical management – administrative burdens that cause worker burnout, social media, and revenue leakage. There was a special look at results of Medical Economics’ own 95th annual Physician Report. The in-depth look at details of medical practices has become one of the longest-running physician surveys in the nation.
How CareCredit Can Help Minimize Administrative Burden that Can Contribute to Staff Burnout
Explore the causes and effects of staff burnout in practice operations, and learn how to reduce administrative burdens that contribute to it.
Expert presenter:
Claude Royster Vice President & General Manager of Health & Wellness, Synchrony
Navigating Social Media in Health Care
Social media has become ubiquitous across many parts of life, including healthcare. Medical professionals may post information to promote good health generally and their practices specifically. But there may be risks in this emerging trend.
Expert presenters:
Michael H. O’Neill, CPHRM, SSLP ISMIE Mutual Insurance Co.
Terese M. Souders, Assistant Vice President, Claims-Programs ISMIE Mutual Insurance Co.
Identifying Revenue Leakage in Your Organization
Physicians care for their patients and develop business savvy to operate their medical practices. But every practice could have unseen or overlooked areas where potential earnings slip through the cracks. Here are strategies for conducting an internal audit to seal those cracks against revenue leakage.
Expert presenter:
Toni Elhoms, CEO, Alpha Coding Experts, LLC
Inside the 95th Physician Report: Exclusive data on Practice Finance, Salaries, and More
Medical Economics’ own Physician Report is one of the longest-running physician surveys in the nation. Discover exclusive data on practice financial health, productivity and the general state of the medical profession.
Expert presenter:
Chris Mazzolini, Vice President, Content, MJH Life Sciences