

Medical Economics Weekly - Would you use an "Instagram for doctors"?

[VIDEO] Topics: Healthcare photo-sharing app Figure 1 released, no financial benefit from ACOs, care coordinators reduce costs, more.

In this episode of Medical Economics Weekly, a healthcare photo-sharing app called Figure 1 was released, physicians report no financial benefits from ACOs, care coordinators reduce costs, an interview with ConsultingMD, and more.

Below are links to the articles and social media activity mentioned in this episode. Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more episodes of our podcast. And make sure to connect with Kevin Stout and Brandon Glenn on Twitter (@kevinbstout and @BGlennWrites).


Two-thirds of physicians in ACOs say they've not benefited financially

Accountable care organizations are a key part of federal health reform, but a new survey suggests that physicians should lower their financial expectations when it comes to ACOs.


Interview with ConsultingMD's Evan Richardson

The platform ConsultingMD has created that allows specialists to give patients second opinions virtually. It also provides localized referral networks of the top doctors in a patient's area. We just interviewed Evan Richardson, VP of Product at ConsultingMD, to talk to him about how this new startup can benefit physicians.


Can care coordinators expand access to primary care?

An article in the most recent print issue of Medical Economics explores what care coordinators can do for medical practices. nabs $22M to prepare for influx of healthcare shoppers, the physician rating platform, has just raised $22 million in third round funding to improve its customer-facing platform. is getting ready for the increasing demand for these sort of tools to help consumers find doctors.


Patients open to greater role for physician assistants & nurse practitioners, survey finds

Researchers behind a new study in Health Affairs decide to see what patients thought about bigger roles for nurse practitioners and physician assistants. And the answer is: Patients are open to it.


This Is What 'Instagram for Doctors' Looks Like

Toronto-based physician, Dr. Joshua Landy, has just released a new app that could be an interesting social experience for doctors. The app, Figure 1, is basically an Instagram for doctors. Figure 1 is a crowdsourced photo-sharing app just for healthcare professionals.


Download Figure 1 on the App Store



Tweet of the Week


User @Dr_Rocamboli replied to a @MedEconomics tweet. Our tweet was about increased red meat consumption leading to diabetes. He replied

"yeah, and it doesn't help that beef is readily available across national fast food chains. More should be done."

Thanks for the reply @Dr_Rocamboli. And to be featured as our Tweet of the Week, mention us on Twitter @MedEconomics or engage with us on Facebook at



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