

MIPS Scoring Guide: How to succeed under the new CMS payment model


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MIPS Scoring Guide: How to succeed under the new CMS payment model

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015 enacted a new Medicare payment model to reward physicians and other clinicians for delivering better care, not more care. The MACRA Quality Payment Program (QPP) provides two paths that link payment updates with value-based requirements: The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (A-APM’s). MIPS will begin in performance year 2017, and Eligible Clinicians (ECs) or groups participating in MIPS will receive an upward, downward or neutral payment adjustment starting in 2019.

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Learn how to optimize your MIPS score:

The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is intended to measure – and adjust payments based on – the value of care provided across four categories, with bonuses for meeting exceptional performance thresholds.

Read this MIPS Scoring Guide from GE Healthcare to understand how MIPS scoring works and how you can optimize your MIPS score.


Eligible clinicians or groups participating in Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) will receive a payment adjustment based on a MIPS Final Score reflecting performance in four categories: Quality, Improvement Activities, Advanced Care Information, & Cost




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