The top news stories in primary care today.
Drug-resistant ringworm spotted in NYC
Two women with highly contagious, drug-resistant ringworm were diagnosed in New York City. According to a press release, these are the first reported cases of this strain in the United States. “It's something that should be on dermatologists' radar, but I wouldn't be too concerned as a patient right now,” Dr. Raman Madan, a dermatologist at Northwell Health in Huntington, N.Y. said in response to the cases.
Link between diet and personality
A recent study indicates there may be a link between personality and diet. The study examined food choices in relation to the Big Five personality traits: being open to experience, conscientious, extroverted, agreeable, and neurotic. An article reads that ‘most of the influence of personality traits was linked to openness to experience and agreeableness, which favors value on societal benefits.’ In the future, this data may be used to sell more sustainable food by creating positive attitudes surrounding it.
Hormone therapy and bone health
Low bone density is a concern for post-menopausal women. Bone health may benefit from hormone therapy, but results on what happened after therapy stops are conflicting. While some studies say there are no adverse effects to stopping treatment, other studies say bone density lessens due to withdrawal. Experts advise women who are 10 years past menopause to not begin hormone therapy.