


Obesity care in 2024; pandemic lessons from Africa; clinician addiction – Morning Medical Update

The top news stories in medicine today.

physician holding morning coffee: © batuhan toker -

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‘Comprehensive obesity care’

Patients need a care team to accomplish weight management goals, and long-term, active life goals. A physician obesity expert offers predictions about medicine, importance of obesity management, and why insurance coverage needs to change in 2024.

COVID-19 pandemic lessons from Africa

What can North American and European nations learn from African nations about pandemic management and preparedness? A lot, said researchers who outlined “lessons for global health” based on work in Sierra Leone, Uganda, and more.

Dealing with doctors and addiction

Physicians become addicted to drugs or alcohol at least as much as the general population, and rates may be underreported due to a punitive and demeaning system. A primary care doctor in recovery shares his thoughts about physician health, recognizing addiction, and treatment.

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