


Online with AHRQ; new hydrogel technology; heart risks for women drinkers – Morning Medical Update

The top news stories in medicine today.

physician doctor team taking morning coffee break: © everythingpossible -

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Primary care research

On May 2, the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality will host the webinar “Research Method for Studying the Primary Care Workforce,” as part of its “Strengthening Primary Care Research” series of online meetings. The program will feature three grant recipients presenting research to understand the optimal structure and composition of primary care teams, and the effects of nurse practitioners. Learn more here.

Hydrogel for healing

Hydrogels are popular treatments for skin wounds, but are complicated to make and may rub off easily. But a new form is easier to synthesize, has natural antibiotic properties, and promotes cell growth. “Patients with chronically infected wounds combined with metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, malnutrition, and other diseases, as well as long-term bedridden patients will be helped by this solution,” one of the researchers said in a news release.

Heart risks of alcohol

April is Alchohol Awareness Month. What you may not be aware of is new research that finds women who drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day are more likely to develop coronary heart disease, compared with those who drank less, and they have a risk greater than men who binge. Read more here.

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