

Physicians deserve more recognition for their hard work and dedication


Medical Economics is announcing its first-ever “ChangeMakers in Medicine” award.

There’s little argument that it is tough being a physician these days.


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I could go into the myriad reasons-ranging from stagnating payments to competing with “Dr. Google”-but this is only a one-page column. And the pages of each issue of Medical Economics provide strategies and solutions to meet these challenges head-on to find success, so I think we’re covered there.

And let’s not forget that for all the challenges that come physicians’ way, there’s little to no recognition for the long days and extra patience that come with working in healthcare today.  

So instead, let me say “thank you” to the thousands of physicians who spend each day dedicated to better patient care despite the daily obstacles to provide quality healthcare. 

It’s a difficult job with a lot of sacrifice and the work should not go unappreciated nor unrecognized.

To this end, Medical Economics is announcing its first-ever “ChangeMakers in Medicine” award. Not a week goes by that our editors and readers don’t hear about innovative and dedicated physicians doing remarkable things in their community, for their patients and at their practices. So we’ve decided to feature some of them in our February 25, 2018 issue.


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And the great part of the project is that you get to say “thank you” as well. 

Next: Let’s spend more time celebrating physicians


Most of the calls, emails and letters we receive are from physicians themselves, sharing inspiring stories of a fellow doctor making real change in healthcare. These physicians think the world of their fellow MDs and DOs and don’t just want us to know about it, they want to tell the world about this inspiring work.  And that’s what we plan to do.


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For example, maybe you know a physician who has created some software or technology to assist patient care. Or there’s a physician using innovative education at their practice to boost the adherence of diabetic patients or another population group. And maybe you know a doctor-or are a doctor-who is working to better the health of their community, whether or not everyone is a part of their patient panel.

You can learn more about “ChangeMakers in Medicine” here and how to nominate a fellow physician or even share your own story with us. We’ll select the most inspiring, most innovative and most creative people and projects and share them with you, our readers.

So take some time today to think about the individuals you work with and nominate someone you feel is having a lasting effect on their community, their patients and their practice.


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Let’s spend more time celebrating physicians for making a difference instead of losing more of them due to indifference about a fractured healthcare system. 


Keith L. Martin is editorial director of Medical Economics.. Do you know a ChangeMaker?

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