


Sitting is the new smoking; Pharmacist walkout; AI “companion” robots - Morning Medical Update


The top news stories in primary care today.

doctor morning desk © Alena Kryazheva -

doctor morning desk © Alena Kryazheva -

Sitting is the new smoking

Research shows that sitting for more than eight hours has a mortality risk similar to smoking. Inactivity is now the fourth leading cause of death, accounting for 3.2 million deaths and 32 million disabilities each year. Experts recommend standing every 20 to 30 minutes to avoid negative health effects.

Pharmacist walkout

Pharmacists protesting working conditions have walked out for a three-day strike they’ve dubbed “pharmaggedon.” Nearly 4,500 pharmacists from major chains such as Walgreens and CVS are participating. ““People are either so burned out or fed up with the way things have been going that it's hit a bursting point,” Nathan Fuller, a participating pharmacist said in an interview. “If we continue to go down the direction we’re going, it’s going to be too unsafe.”

AI “companion” robots

More and more individuals are seeking companionship with AI. Paro, the FDA certified robotic seal is one of the tools sometimes seen in nursing homes. One woman who was nonverbal for 8 years spoke holding PARO. She told it “I love you.” "Is it going to bring joy? Does it bring quality of life? If the answer is yes, I consider it a positive tool," Sandra Petersen, a doctor of nursing practice said in an interview.

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