


Studying breastfeeding; new members at NAM; Alzheimer’s disease treatments – Morning Medical Update

Key Takeaways

  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is reviewing public comments on breastfeeding counseling interventions to refine its recommendations.
  • The National Academy of Medicine elected 100 new members, acknowledging their significant contributions to health and medicine.

The top news stories in medicine today.

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Analyzing breastfeeding recommendations

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has opened a public comment period on its draft evidence review and draft recommendation statement regarding “Breastfeeding: Behavioral Counseling Interventions.” Learn more here.

New NAM members

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) elected 90 new regular members and 10 new international members. They were announced this week as part of the Academy’s annual meeting. “This class of new members represents the most exceptional researchers and leaders in health and medicine, who have made significant breakthroughs, led the response to major public health challenges, and advanced health equity,” NAM President Victor J. Dzau said in a news release. Read who’s who here.

Paying for Alzheimer’s disease treatments

Should Medicare cover therapies that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved to slow the progression of early Alzheimer’s disease? Voters say yes, according to a new poll commissioned by the Alliance for Aging Research, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, and Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease. Here’s a presentation about the findings and an accompanying news release.

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