


Professional and financial news you can use.


Smaller practices to share in Medicare's pie

More passengers are getting the boot

The number of airline riders bumped involuntarily from their flights rose to more than 33,000 during the first half of the year, says the US Department of Transportation. By comparison, about 25,000 confirmed passengers didn't get a seat during the same period a year earlier. Regional airlines Atlantic Southeast and Comair had the highest bump rate, while JetBlue and AirTran had the lowest rate. Plan on getting to the airport as early as possible, since the last passenger to check in is usually the first to be bumped.


Low-cost EHRs get official approval

The government-backed Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) recently certified 11 EHRs,* adding them to the list of 22 products that it approved in July. The newly certified EHRs were among 17 programs that vendors submitted to CCHIT in August. The companies that make the other six EHRs either withdrew their application, postponed testing, or failed to demonstrate compliance with all of CCHIT's 152 criteria.

Most of the recently approved EHRs are inexpensive products from small vendors. Health IT experts say that this undercuts claims by CCHIT critics that certification is a plot by big vendors to drive small ones out of the market. On the other hand, the fact that six products didn't make the cut this time suggests that many EHRs can't pass the test. Mark Anderson, a consultant based in Montgomery, TX, predicts that no more than 50 of the 300 EHRs on the market will get certified, and he wonders whether that number will dwindle further when CCHIT toughens its certification requirements in coming years.

*ABELMed PM-EMR by ABELSoft, AcerMed by AcerMed, Bond Clinician EHR by Bond Technologies, Medical Practice EMR by CPSI, Sunrise Ambulatory Care by Eclipsys, CareRevolution by EHS, PrimeSuite by Greenway Medical Technologies, MediNotes e by MediNotes, MedPlexus EHR by MedPlexus, Avatar by Netsmart Technologies, and NoteworthyEHR by Noteworthy Medical Systems. CCHIT also approved a certification tag for ProPractica's StreamlineMD, which is a privately labeled version of a previously certified product.

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