The author is a health care attorney who specializes in risk management issues.
Don't be afraid to contact your insurer when you smell a suit at your doorstep
Inform your malpractice insurance carrier any time you have suspicion that a patient is considering a lawsuit.
Free care now could mean big savings later
In these difficult economic times, you may find that more patients are refusing to pay for services rendered and others are complaining more about their care.
How to avoid malpractice liability in cross-coverage arrangements
For a solo practitioner or a small group practice, cross-coverage arrangements are like oxygen: Without them, there is no life-that is, no weekends, no evenings, no vacations, and no holidays.
Don't let fear of liability deter you from being a Good Samaritan
A Good Samaritan will be exonerated as long as he acts in good faith.
Don't be afraid to discuss obesity with patients
It's widely known that obesity translates to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hospitalization, and early death. So why don't more doctors discuss it with their patients?
"Informal" consults can lead to malpractice claims
The informal consult is held to the same standard of professional expertise and judgment as any other consult.
Contingency fees may be your best protection against frivolous lawsuits
Contingency fees are the primary reason for such close scrutiny of extraneous legal issues by plaintiffs' attorneys.
Your risks when practicing telemedicine
Be prepared to defend your choice of telemedicine instead of seeing the patient in person.
If the patient lacks capacity
Malpractice Consult
Do you need excess liability coverage?
Primary care physicians rarely do the high risk procedures that result in big judgments.
When to hire your own lawyer
Make sure the right doctor is covering for you.
Never feud with nurses on the patient's chart; forwarding the records of other physicians.
Your liability when you teach residents