Cheap healthcare plans much too costly for patients and physicians
Patients-and physicians-deserve much better.
The profit equation: Stop struggling to make money
While physicians may prefer to focus their attention on patient care, it’s imperative to carefully analyze expenses and calculate how every business decision can affect overall profitability.
Focus on specificity when documenting these four diagnoses
Accurate and complete documentation helps physicians avoid denials.
When to police staff social media use
Frequent use of social media is common, but it can cause some problems in a medical practice setting.
Funny bone: Alien codes
Coding can be out-of-this-world difficult.
Coding tips: Appealing denied claims
When appealing denials, keep these three tips in mind.
Coding tips: Modifiers -25, -26, and -59
Here are some do’s and don’ts when applying these three common modifiers.
Coding tips: Time-based E/M billing
Follow these three tips to avoid denials when reporting time-based E/M codes.
Coding tips: Transitional care management
Here are four common transitional care management denials and how to avoid them.
Coding tips: Chronic care management (CCM)
Here are four common CCM denials and how to avoid them.
Coding tips: Level 3 vs. 4 evaluation and management
To payers, these visits tell a completely different story about the work that’s required to treat a patient.
Your voice: As things change, private practice remains the same
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