The benefits of purchasing a concierge practice
How I changed my career and transformed my life by acquiring a concierge practice
COVID-19 vaccines and medical liability
What physicians need to know about the risks
How to keep getting paid for telehealth in 2021
3 best practices you must implement to stay compliant and collect maximum reimbursement.
What physicians need to know about cyberliability coverage
Your practice will at some point be attacked by hackers. Are you prepared for the financial fallout that will follow?
Motivating patients to achieve heart health
Boosting patient adherence can enhance outcomes
A Q&A with ONC director Micky Tripathi
The future of health IT
Decoding cryptocurrency: A physician investor’s guide
The digital assets offer opportunity and risk
E/M coding: Can you bill multiple same-day visits?
The one way you can code for multiple visits from the same patient.
4 areas to address to improve your bottom line
5 things to consider when making a financial plan
From the moment doctors earn an M.D. to the day they hang up their white coat for good, they face unique financial hurdles and dilemmas.
The link between financial success and patient satisfaction
Should physicians day-trade stocks?
What you need to know about day trading and whether it's right for you.
Investing in the post-COVID stock market
Expectations of economic growth push up stock valuations in advance but often not so much when this growth actually occurs.
Going the extra mile to make patients feel welcome
As providers, we need to create a welcoming environment for all patients to ensure they don’t postpone care or avoid it entirely.
Building wealth
How to create, nurture and protect your financial future