Six Rules about Dependents, Exemptions
True, everyone's tax return is different depending on their unique circumstances; however, there are some tax rules involving dependents and exemptions that affect every taxpayer similarly.
The Right and Wrong Way to Survey Patients
Patient satisfaction surveys, if done correctly, could prove extremely valuable to physicians. That, of course, begs the question, what is the wrong way to do a patient satisfaction survey?
Best State Tax Rates for Wealthy
Taxes are a necessary evil that people try to avoid paying as much as possible. These 10 states are great for the wealthy because the tax rates work in their favor.
Protecting Your Property from Blizzards
Unprecedented snowstorms are predicted to sweep across the East Coast. With this severe weather underway property-owners should take immediate action to protect themselves and their property.
Should Doctors Unionize?
Traditionally independent business people, physicians haven't really felt the need to unionize yet. However, as more become employees it is inevitable that doctors will band together to act for their own perceived best economic and work-condition interests.
Best Dividend-Paying Stocks
For some investors, dividend-paying stocks are ideal since they can offer a steady stream of income. Here are 10 great dividend-paying stocks from various sectors that you can add to your portfolio.
Audit Triggers to Avoid
Being proactive is the most important way to prevent an audit or mitigate the potential penalties if you are audited. Take the time to review procedures and records to identify potential audit triggers.
The Business of Cancer
Although there is nothing close to a cure for cancer yet, it's a huge business. Here are some companies you can invest in, some conservative picks and others more speculative.
What to do with Your Tax Refund?
Almost half of Americans expect to receive a tax refund this year and most are expecting to either save the money or use it to pay off debt. Surprisingly, Generation Y is more likely to save than older generations.
Detect Hidden Fees
When clients go to Shirley Mueller, MD, for help, it's so she can find the less-than-transparent fees that they are paying to brokers or financial advisors. But there is now a way for anyone to try to do this on their own.
A Science Role Model for Girls
The strong STEM education that orthopedic surgeon Erica Rowe Urquhart, MD, PhD, received has produced her passion for educating the younger generation and encouraging women to enter science and engineering.
Changing End-of-Life Care
While hospice enrollment has been on the rise for older Americans, that doesn't mean care as been less aggressive - the rate of ICU use within the last month of life has also increased.
Confusion Reigns Over Sunshine Act
Despite the fact that the legislation will likely affect their relationships with drug and medical device manufacturers, more than half of physicians admitted they don't know the specifics of the Sunshine Act.
The Elephant Not in the Room
The role of Thailand's elephants has evolved over the years, from a cultural icon and symbol of power to a component of war, a tool in the logging industry and, finally, a part of the tourism industry.
Lessons from Vegas: The Illusion of Average Returns
Gamblers can easily lose money by confusing actual outcomes with average outcomes. It's also a common mistake with investors and financial advisors. For example, short-term averages vary dramatically from long-term averages.
Fast Growing Health Care Jobs
Five health care service positions that are growing significantly as hospitals, health systems and practices make changes to meet meaningful use measures set up by health reform.
Europe Invests $1.4B to Create Detailed Brain Model
Researchers creating the world's most detailed model of the human brain to speed understanding of cognition and disease won a 10-year $1.4 billion award from the European Commission to support its work.
The Best Investment in an Uncertain World
Trailing stops allow you unlimited upside potential with strictly limited downside risk. And that - in an uncertain world - is as good as it gets.
More Fiscal Cliff Changes Affecting Physicians
Some more highlights (or lowlights) from the fiscal cliff deal, including tax deduction limitations on high-income earners as well as the new rules for converting to a Roth 401(k).
America Last Among Peers in Health
Compared to 16 other high-income countries, Americans have the worst health across age and socio-economic groups, according to a new report.
Surprising Prevalence of Surgical "Never Events"
Each year 4,000 preventable adverse surgical events happen that result in a malpractice claim. The most common problem is the surgeon leaving a foreign object in the patient, which happens twice as often as the next most common error.
7 Mistakes to Avoid on Your 2012 Tax Return
Every year, our politicians talk about the need to simplify the tax code and every year, they make it more complex. Here are seven common mistakes and missed deductions to help you prepare your 2012 tax return.
Fostering Physician-Employer Relationships
The American Medical Association six principles for physician employment acknowledge the broad trend toward physician employment and provide broad guidance to enhance the physician-employer relationship.
Physician Reimbursement Dropped Sharply
In a continued effort to reduce health care costs in the U.S., payers drastically reduced the reimbursements physicians received for existing patient visits by up to a third.
This Opportunity Trumps Your Biggest Risk
The private sector is greatly unappreciated - while out-of-control public spending threatens our standard of living, private sector innovation is steadily improving it.
Spouses and Financial Discussions
The complexity of modern financial life has grown exponentially over the years, requiring both spouses have an increased level of financial sophistication so the family can survive and thrive economically.
Docs Share Patients' Pain and Relief
When patients go through the pains and reliefs of illness and healing, their physicians do as well, according to a study that revealed doctors truly feel their patient's pain.
A Bad Buy Right Now
The current government policies may be good for the U.S., but are bad for savers. When interest rates are low, a fixed annuity is a good way to save for retirement, but that's not the case right now.
Place Your Bets: Super Bowl 2013
Even if you aren't a fan of the 49ers or the Ravens, there's still a way to enjoy this weekend's Super Bowl - gambling. But just like investing, there's no such thing as a sure thing, so you might want to hedge your bets.
Tax-Free Gifting Strategies
By employing various gifting strategies, a couple can transfer hundreds of thousands of dollars tax free out of their estate to the benefit of their loved ones. It is unlikely that most readers have the resources to do all of it, but making just some moves is worthwhile.