Money an Important Factor in Physician Work-Life Issues
May 5th 2008Five years ago, physician concerns with the nation’s healthcare system were two-fold: They said they were spending less time with patients, and they needed to work harder to maintain an income. Those same concerns are often voiced by today’s medical doctors.
Avoid Family Employee Tax Traps
April 30th 2008You can get some nifty tax breaks if you employ family members in your medical practice, including a business deduction for salaries as well as benefits like health insurance coverage. If you opt to go this route, however, you must make sure your family members are legitimate
Genetic Bias Bill Moving to Law
April 29th 2008In a rare unanimous vote, the US Senate passed a bill last week that would outlaw discrimination against a person based on his/her genetic profile. Aimed at both health insurers and employers, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act would bar insurance companies from
Time to Get In: Wealthy Like the Housing Market
April 18th 2008Nearly 80% of the wealthiest Americans think prices in the current real estate market have created a real buying opportunity and 40% are actively looking to buy into it this year. That's according to a survey of high-income Americans by American Express and Harrison Group, a market research
Credit Cards: How Fixed is "Fixed?"
April 16th 2008The credit crisis has caused some banks to cut back on credit card solicitations, but you're still likely to see offers of low, low credit card interest rates show up in your mailbox. Most of these offers claim that the interest rate is "fixed," but according to the fine print in the credit
Government Auctions: Getting Something Back
April 9th 2008Now that you've written (or will write) that tax check to the IRS, you may wonder what the government can do for you in return. If you're a bargain hunter, you might want to check out the Federal government's auctions. Various Federal agencies periodically auction off surplus
VIN Etching Prevents Car Theft
April 2nd 2008Etching your car's vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the car windows is such an effective theft deterrent that many insurance companies will offer you a discount on your auto insurance if you have it done. That's because thieves like cars with untraceable parts.
Internet Addiction-A Mental Disorder?
March 27th 2008Withdrawal, anger and depression, and social isolation are all classic symptoms of certain addictions. A March 2008 article in the American Journal of Psychiatry, however, added a fourth—a constant need for new and better computer equipment—and ascribed them to a newly
Doctors-Lawyers Work at Malpractice Reform
March 24th 2008Physicians and lawyers in Pennsylvania have joined forces in a pilot project aimed at preventing medical malpractice claims from getting to a courtroom. Members of the Montgomery County Bar Association and the county medical society have joined with
Wall Street Subprime Lawsuits AWOL
March 23rd 2008The recent collapse at Bear Stearns brought on a couple of lawsuits filed by stockholders and by members of the firm's stock ownership plan. Observers note that the suits may be the harbingers of what could be a flood of litigation against Wall Street investment