On the notion that doctors are not God
Ed MemoOn the notion that doctors are not God
Remember when...Malpractice premiums were $150 a year?
Remember when malpractice premiums were $150 a year?
I was my patient's (very) best customer
Poor and uninsured, the author's dying patient found a clever way to pay her doctor bills.
"What I want now is a friend, not a physician"
So said the patient who taught the author a critical lesson: Some things are more important than diagnosis and treatment.
Practice Beat
Letters to the Editors
Would a cost conscious physician order this MRI?
A "my patient comes first" attitude may deny care to patients who need it more, these experts say.
Doctors are selling the fountain of youth
The anti-aging movement attracts patients willing to spend heavily to look and feel younger -- and doctors eager to cater to them.