

30 Day Mindful Financial Practice with Dr. Wise Money

I've seen and heard about so many inspirational 30-day challenges all over the media, including Facebook, Family Life Radio, even on Pandora. After a decade of physical inactivity, I recently completed the 30-Day Yoga challenge with Adrienne. I feel great! I will continue my yoga practice with more free YouTube videos.

I've seen and heard about so many inspirational 30-day challenges all over the media, including Facebook, Family Life Radio, and even on Pandora. After a decade of physical inactivity, I recently completed the 30-Day Yoga challenge with Adrienne. I feel great! I will continue my yoga practice with more free YouTube videos :)

I thought it would be really fun to do a "30-Day Mindful Financial Practice with Dr. Wise Money" with the Physician's Money Digest readers.

30-Day Mindful Financial Practice with Dr. Wise Money:

  • Our goal is to increase financial enlightenment, maximize financial empowerment, and optimize financial fitness.
  • You can set a financial goal for yourself of any kind and any magnitude. Example 1: increase net worth by 1k at the end of 30 days Example 2: read one personal finance book by the end of 30 days Example 3: learn about one tax-efficient retirement savings account offered by current employer. (Or available to me as a self-employee.)
  • Invite three friends to join you in the challenge who respectively set their own 30-day goals.
  • Check in with your three friends at least weekly to monitor and support each another's progress. Feel free to comment at for accountability and morale.

Here's the YouTube link to start your "30-Day Mindful Financial Practice with Dr. Wise Money" today. All the videos are less than 10 minutes long, some of them even less than five minutes.

You may also find the 30 Day Mindful Financial Practice with Dr. Wise Money excel worksheets useful.

I look forward to sharing this journey to increase our financial literacy and enlightenment together.

Namaste. "The light in me bows to the light in you."

30 Day Mindful Financial Practice with Dr. Wise Money Overview

Day 1: Liabilities

Day 2: Assets

Day 3: Net Worth

Day 4: Time-Most Precious & Only Irrecoverable Resource

Day 5: Time Value of $ is a Double Edged Sword

Day 6: Needs-Budget

Day 7: Wants-the Consuming Poor

Day 8: Financial Literacy-Curiosity as a Form of Self Love

Day 9: Financial Mindfulness

Day 10: Let $ Follow You

Day 11: Invest Time Actively

Day 12: Invest $ Passively

Day 13: Automation

Day 14: Credit Acumen-Scores & Monitoring

Day 15: Don't Take No for a No

Day 16: Luck is Preparation Meets Opportunity

Day 17: Family

Day 18: Debt to Income Ratio

Day 19: Borrowing Power

Day 20: The Power of Now

Day 21: Taxes

Day 22: Cash Is King

Day 23: Turnover is Vanity

Day 24: Mindful Organization: De-clutter Your Finances

Day 25: Saving is Easy, Spending is Hard

Day 26: Bite & Bounce

Day 27: Know Thyself

Day 28: Be Thy Boss

Day 29: Financial Freedom

Day 30: No Fear; Pass It On.

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All articles by DWM are for informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Please consult a professional accountant, financial adviser, or lawyer before making financial decisions.

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