The latest in health care technology news
Another day, another forum for responsible AI development
Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and Anthropic have created a forum to ensure the development of responsible AI, including in health care. One of the goals is to develop applications that will detect cancer early. Skynet, the killer AI from the Terminator series, HAL9000, the killer AI from A Space Odyssey, and VIKI, the killer AI from I, Robot, have thus far refused to join the forum.
Google will now scan the web looking for your contact information, and promises not to sell it this time…maybe
Worried about whether your contact information is out there someplace on the Web? Google will now scan the internet looking for your info and let you know the results. Ironic that search engines harvest your information in the first place and then offer to help you find things you didn’t know were taken later on. Sort of like someone who takes something from your yard and then offers to help scour the neighborhood to find it.
Are AI-generated medical illustrations next?
Even in a fantasy world where dragons and orcs roam, you’ll still run into AI. Like an angry pack of kobolds, you just can’t get away from this stuff. Dungeons & Dragons’ parent company, Hasbro, had to issue a warning to its artists to not use AI to create illustrations for its products after an artist got busted doing just that. If medical illustrators turn to AI, we’ll be inundated with images of deformed hands, which for some reason AI art generators really struggle with. But future hand surgeons might rejoice in thinking about how to repair that thumb protruding from the back of a two-fingered hand made out of orange peels.