

Free MJH COVID-19 myths webinar tonight

A panel of experts will sort out facts and controversies about the ongoing pandemic.

The MJH Life Sciences COVID-19 Coalition will separate fact from fiction when it comes to the ongoing health emergency.

From who can get infected with the disease to the effect of certain drugs on the infected, rumors continue to swirl confusing both patients and physicians alike, myths and mistruths have spread like wildfire throughout the pandemic.

To battle this “info-demic” the MJH Life Science COVID-19 Coalition is holding a free one-hour webinar event titled “Fact or Fiction COVID-19 Myths and Controversies,” at 6 p.m. EDT on Sept. 29.

Sign up for the webinar.

The MJH Life Science COVID-19 Coalition was formed to help keep healthcare professionals up-to-date and informed on the science and latest learnings on the pandemic. The Coalition generates the most accurate, up-to-the-minute information on the pandemic’s ever-evolving impact on healthcare professionals and the patients they treat.

Participants in this webinar will be:

  • Moderator and Coalition member Saskia V. Popescu, PhD, MPH, MA, CIC, who is a senior infection prevention epidemiologist in Phoenix, Ariz. She is a term assistant professor at George Mason University and an adjunct professor at the University of Arizona College of Public Health
  • Panelist Angela Rasmussen, PhD, is a virologist studying host responses to infection by combining classical virology with a modern systems biology approaches. Her research focuses on identifying host response signatures predictive of infection severity or disease outcome and host pathways to target drug development or repurposing.
  • Panelist Emily Ricotta, PhD, MSc, a research fellow in the Epidemiology Unit at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Her research focuses on risk factors and transmission of infectious diseases of public health importance.
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