

How to Repurpose Your Content for a Targeted Response


Your content does not need to be one and done. Here are three ways to keep your blogs consistently relevant and fresh for your new, and returning, audience.

For many practices with websites, their blogs may receive a significant number of clicks each month. Upon deeper investigation, it may become apparent that the traffic is not translating into more business.

People may not be engaging with the Call to Action (CTA) of the practice or not clicking through to other links. The bounce and exit rates may be high while the conversion rate may be low.

How to Repurpose Your Content for a Targeted Response

Add one or two new sections to make the topic more contemporary

Certain blog posts may receive high traffic but may offer low value in terms of generating business. In such cases, the blog post can be re-purposed to produce more value to your business. Here are just a few techniques to get more value from posts that receive high traffic but are wrongly targeted.Google search engine bots gravitate towards content that is periodically updated with fresh inputs, current data and figures, and other relevant details. With a relatively small effort, the old content can get a new look on your medical website.

For instance, procedures and new technology continue to be updated with each passing year. If you have an old topic on your website, it can continue to become more relevant by adding one or two sections with the latest information.

Include video to improve time on page and raise brand awareness

The effort is particularly worthwhile on web pages that receive good traffic, but are not appealing to the visitors because of old or outdated information. The SEO value of these existing web pages can be utilized to attract more traffic and achieve better conversion rates by providing more relevant and newly added content.By embedding a new video offering a broad overview of your latest services, you could promote your brand name to a larger audience while increasing the average amount of time a site visitor spends on that page.

The videos embedded in the blog post do not need to be identical to the posts themselves, but they do need to be relevant.

Many blog posts feature tutorials and provide how-to tips. This type of content is actionable offering value to users. However, at times, written text and image based tutorials are not as effective as another person literally taking users through the motions, which is possible via video content.

Link the post to high-authority content with parenthetical CTAs

You can create video tutorials to be added to relevant blog posts. Embedding the videos in the blog posts offers your target audience a more comprehensive understanding of what your post is all about.For content marketers, parenthetical CTAs (calls-to-action) are an excellent instrument to direct readers to the content that they will likely find most relevant.

As a section ends, provide readers with a jump-off point to go to content that may be more useful to them. This new piece of content should be value-based and related to the content that they are already interested in and searched for. Utilize parenthetical CTAs to offer guidance to readers to reach a logical extension for their current session on your practice’s website.

Using these CTAs in posts that are creating unqualified traffic may be a worthwhile experiment. However, it is vital to ensure that the value proposition is broad so that it appeals to most of your target audience.

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About the Author:

Naren Arulrajah is President and CEO of Ekwa Marketing, a complete internet marketing company that focuses on SEO, social media, marketing education, and the online reputations of physicians. With a team of 180+ full time marketers, helps physicians who know where they want to go, get there by dominating their market and growing their business significantly year after year. If you have questions about marketing your practice online, call 855-598-3320 to speak one-on-one with Naren.

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