Medical Economics Journal
Physicians often underperform their financial potential, facing numerous challenges in optimizing their investment returns. Busy schedules, lack of training in finance and the ever-changing health care landscape make it difficult for them to navigate complex financial decisions. Moreover, the financial services industry fails physicians in several ways. It often provides disconnected solutions that neglect the integration of tax, investing and insurance optimization, resulting in missed opportunities and unnecessary tax burdens.
Take control of your financial future: ©MJH Life Sciences
This underperformance is alarming, with 1 in 4 physicians retiring or reaching age 65 with a net worth of $1 million or less, and the average physician’s retirement net worth of $3.4 million falls short of what could be achieved. Financial stress ranks as the second highest cause of stress among physicians, contributing to burnout levels. By using the right financial strategies, physicians can maximize their investment returns and enjoy a financially secure retirement.
John Clendening
CEO, Earned Wealth
Myhanh Hoskin
Senior Wealth Advisor, Earned Wealth
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