

Primary care groups agree to disclose industry ties

Medical societies representing internists, family physicians, and pediatricians signed The Council of Medical Specialty Societies code for disclosing financial ties to pharmaceutical, device and other companies.

Medical societies representing internists, family physicians, and pediatricians signed The Council of Medical Specialty Societies code for disclosing financial ties to pharmaceutical, device, and other companies.

The "CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies" guides medical specialty societies on appropriate interactions with for-profit companies in the healthcare sector. The code is designed to ensure that societies' interactions with companies are independent and transparent, and advance medical care for the benefit of patients and populations, according to the group.

The principles of the code include disclosing conflicts of interest among those who participate in society activities such as medical meetings, clinical practice guidelines, and scientific journals; publicly disclosing donations and support received from for-profit companies in the health sector; and disclosing board members' financial and uncompensated relationships with companies.

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