
Smartphones in the Medical Practice


More than a third of physicians use their smartphones to research information on medications on a daily basis, according to a new report.

More than a third of physicians use their smartphones to research information on medications on a daily basis, according to a new report on mobile usage in the medical space.

Only 8% of EHR users didn’t use either a smartphone or a regular mobile phone while in the medical practice, according to the report by AmericanEHR. Of the 77% who use a smartphone in the medical practice, the most popular brand was still the Apple iPhone.

During the course of the week, physicians spent between 15 and 16 hours on their smartphone and 35% reported using the phone to research information on medications each day. Tweeting for business purposes wasn’t very popular with EHR users with only 5% saying that they use their smartphones for that activity.

The survey collected data from 700 physicians on the frequency of various smartphone activities for both personal and clinical purposes.

The infographic below highlights further insights from the study, as well as breaking the results down between EHR and non-EHR users.

Read more:

Mobile Usage in the Medical Space Report & Infographic - AmericanEHR

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