Tech investments have not yet allowed organizations to get the data they need to comply
Health care organizations are not ready for the Cures Act: ©Paintingk -
A new survey commissioned by Verato, found that while more than half of surveyed organizations (61%) have invested effort and resources into meeting the requirements of the Cures Act, only 36% report having the necessary comprehensive data quality programs in place to do so.
The 21st Century Cures Act set standards for the secure and frictionless exchange of data among payers, providers and consumers, including the establishment of an information-blocking rule that was finalized earlier this year. Only 41% of respondents report being able to completely comply with the info-blocking rules set forth in the Cures Act.
When asked about their readiness for specific provisions of the Cures Act, fewer than half of respondents said their organizations are fully compliant in these key areas:
“With the new proposed rule outlining disincentives, the pressure is on for hospitals and health systems to invest in the right data infrastructure,” says Clay Ritchey, CEO of Verato. “The information blocking rules in the 21stCentury Cures Act will also significantly raise the amount of data that flows between organizations within the health care industry.”
Other survey key findings include: