

Travel is the Ultimate Life Goal

Almost three-quarters of Americans would choose travel as an ultimate life goal. Young Americans more than older ones have bucket lists of where they would life to visit before they die.

As the end of 2011 draws closer and closer, people might start to think about next year and what they hope and plan to accomplish in 2012. Among those resolutions, physical health and financial health are top priorities, according to a survey by Princess Cruises, with 73% and 42% of respondents.

But travel is a goal that Americans look at as an ultimate life goal. Almost three-quarters (72%) of respondents would choose to travel if they could only accomplish one goal in their lives. And in 2012 37% of respondents plan to make a travel-related New Year’s resolution.

"It's no surprise that travel tops Americans' bucket list of life goals because we know that travel experiences often create our most meaningful life memories," said Jan Swartz, Princess Cruises executive vice president.

What the survey discovered was that not only do 65% of Americans have bucket lists of where they want to go before they die, but younger Americans are actually more likely to have a bucket list — 70% of those ages 18-24 have lists compared to 63% of those 35 years and older.

Despite the madness of the holiday season, respondents still plan to cross something off their lists by the end of the year. Regardless, it looks like Americans expect to complete their goals in 2012: 92% said they think they will fulfill their resolution.

Odds look good that they will be successful. In an earlier TripAdvisor survey, a third of Americans plan to increase their leisure travel next year. In fact a quarter are planning to take at least five trips.

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