

Ultimate Social Media Guide for Physician Business Owners

Matt Silverman's Mashable's Social Media Guide for Small Businesses is a fantastic synopsis and, by far, the most comprehensive, free overview of social media for small business owners I've encountered yet.

I am frequently asked how I find the time to keep up with Twitter, Facebook, blogging and everything I do to stay active on the Internet.

Simple answer: I make time.

My web presence is a critical component of my business. At least 75 percent of my business income is now generated via the Internet, which means I seldom have to put on my pantyhose and attend cocktail parties or business networking events. Even less frequently do I have to give up precious family time to be on the road for speaking engagements to drum up business.

While this may not be that remarkable to some of you, it is to me. My first foray into coaching through my former company Oya Consulting succeeded simply because I was making cross-country trips to speak or braving L.A. traffic to network, or -- hell of all hells -- picking up the phone and trying to make contact via cold calls!

Now, on a sunny but chilly post-rain day in Los Angeles, I am able to sit at my desk, write this blog post, tweet it out to my followers, have the tweet in turn show up automatically on Facebook and LinkedIn, and know that this post will "last forever" out in cyberspace, being searchable by anyone looking for this kind of content.

Bloody marvelous, I say!

So today I share one of the web's gems yet again with you -- this time it's a fantastic synopsis of how to use social media in Matt Silverman's Mashable's Social Media Guide for Small Businesses. It is by far the most comprehensive free overview of social media I've encountered recently.

Spend an hour a day on this page for the next six weeks, be sure to implement, and you will be a social media genius!

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