

Evan Osborne


5 key features of successful quality collaboratives

How to bring payers and providers together to improve outcomes

Toni Gress


How practices should evolve their value-based care strategy

Physician Compare is making MIPS data available to patients, payers and competitors. Here’s how practices can leverage their performance data and stay ahead of the curve.

Joseph M. Geskey, DO, MBA, MS-PopH


COVID-19 and its impact on patients with mental health conditions

Although medical literature has largely focused on the acute, physical manifestations of the coronavirus, it is also important to consider the impact of stress for medically vulnerable patients

Scarlett Hao, MD


2019 Physician Writing Contest: The hope of living better

The second-place entry in this year's Physician Writing Contest

Shawn Yates, Director of Product Management, Healthcare at Ontario Systems


The EHR-friendly way to boost collection results

EHRs can handle all clinical aspects of the revenue cycle with ease, but they lack visibility into the back end of the revenue cycle.

Lean Dayries


Three common real estate mistakes physicians make

Real estate is the second highest expense behind payroll for most healthcare practices. 

Tom Scott


The promise of AI in healthcare

How artificial intelligence can boost surgery center operations and revenue cycle management.

Jeremy Corbett, MD


Behavior Change Theorem: Using a debt model to promote whole patient health

More than ever, people are seeking ways to alter their behavior and, thus, their overall health.

Clinton Philips


Why millennials are surprisingly unhealthy

Could telehealth reverse the trend?

Terry Bauer


Concierge medicine set to soar in 2024

2024 will be a year of unending change — and a time of exponential growth for concierge medicine, inspired by doctors seizing the opportunity to forge deeper connections and align their priorities in a post-pandemic world.

Michael Abrams, MA


Value-based care is the future of health care, but we need leadership to get there

The broken fee-for-service model, in combination with CMS’ efforts to contain costs, promises to cripple our health care delivery system unless providers transition to a value-based care model – and soon.

Gordon Phillips, MPS


Cultivating physician leaders of the future

Driven by unsustainable cost increases, increased public and regulatory scrutiny, as well as shifting alliances, healthcare is undergoing a radical transformation

Bryan M. Kuderna, CFP


How much life insurance should you have?

A guide to an informed decision on life insurance.

Lynanne Morganstern, M.D., MBA, Medical Director, Change Healthcare


The changing landscape of outpatient surgery

Several factors are pushing organizations to shift certain surgeries to the outpatient setting.

Dan Richards


4 ways to rein in your practice’s hidden billing costs

Sometimes, the biggest financial dangers are the ones we don’t see.

Jennifer Larson


Combating chronic pain

Understand the tools physicians need to combat chronic pain as the opioid crisis continues.

Lisa Larkin, MD


2019 Physician Writing Contest: Caring along life’s journey

An honorable mention in this year's contest.

Stephen J. Buccola


How healthcare organizations can capture all revenue

What health professionals need to know about coordination of benefits strategies for collecting revenue, including liability revenue

Nancy Mann Jackson


Working from home: Is it possible for physician practices?

How can medical care provided by a physician's practice, which often requires face-to-face interactions, work remotely?

Tracy Chen, MD


2019 Physician Writing Contest: Back to basics

An honorable mention in the 2019 contest.

Peter Joseph


Artificial Intelligence: The benefits to revenue cycle management

Best practices to maximize workflow and income by using AI in revenue cycle management systems. 

Joseph M. Geskey, DO, MBA, MS-PopH


Dealing with 'deaths of despair': What physicians need to know

Life expectancy has decreased among middle-aged adults due to deaths of despair. 

David Burch


5 tips for growing your medical practice

Take a methodical approach to growth

Steven Merahn, MD


The deductible reset: How to help patients navigate it

The new year's deductible reset period may offer providers a new opportunity to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship

Leon Dayries


Three common real estate mistakes physicians make

While there are many key concepts and strategies to be aware of prior to and during any lease or purchase negotiation, there are an equal or greater number of mistakes to avoid.

Betty Rabinowitz MD


Tips for keeping your practice safe and mitigating the spread of COVID-19

These three strategies can minimize the risks for both patients and staff.

Rick Clark


How to minimize ransomware attacks in healthcare

Ransomware is on the rise. What can healthcare organizations do to stop these hacks?