Benefits of Team Work in Health Care
October 12th 2011Despite debates regarding the quality of evidence, the Canadian government is spending millions of dollars on programs that encourage teamwork among health care professionals. Despite that debate, some say the initiative could have a transformational effect on health care.
Helping Physicians Maintain Autonomy
October 11th 2011Physicians are finding that they have to deal with a host of issues that affect their businesses. For the primary care physician who is still in private practice, dealing with these can be time consuming, which is where physician networks come in.
This Contrarian Indicator is Ringing Like a Fire Alarm
October 10th 2011In his new book, The Great Crash Ahead, self-styled "economic futurist" Harry Dent warns equity investors to cup their groins. This is great news for stock investors because Dent has a history of getting the big macro picture completely backwards.
Three Reasons Why Doctors Mourn the Passing of Steve Jobs
October 6th 2011Doctors love their Apple Products. Just walk into any hospital ward and see the types of mobile devices we are using. At weekly Grand Rounds conferences, you see plenty of iPads in use. At physician meetings, the laptop of choice is often the Macbook Pro.