HHS Unveils Insurance-Shopping Service and Pre-Existing Condition Plan
July 1st 2010This week, the Obama administration launched Healthcare.gov, a new health-insurance-comparison website, and unveiled a new insurance plan for Americans who can't find affordable coverage elsewhere due to their pre-existing conditions.
Cash Cows Are Cranking Up the Dividends
June 30th 2010Nearly 140 S&P 500 companies raised their dividends or introduced new ones this year. Experts now believe some of these cash cows may declare a special dividend soon to sidestep a potential hike in the dividends tax next year. A look at some solid high-yielding stocks.
Is LinkedIn Useless for Promoting Your Medical Practice?
June 30th 2010A recent blog post on "4 Reasons Why Doctors Don't Use LinkedIn," got me thinking about how to use the power of social media for medical practice promotion. By not participating in LinkedIn and other sites, physicians who want to grow their practices are missing an excellent marketing opportunity.
Shorter Hours Proposed for Doctors in Training
June 29th 2010Numerous studies have shown that a medical resident's clinical performance breaks down after 24 hours on the job, and those who pull all-night shifts are responsible for more than half of medical errors. Now, new guidelines propose shortening residents' work week.
Asset-Protection Strategies for a Sue-Happy Society
June 29th 2010Most Americans believe all doctors are wealthy. Combining this perception with a litigious society -- and a mentality of passing the blame -- and physicians are a prime target for lawsuits. These asset-protection strategies can shield a physician's hard-earned wealth.
Some "Wins" for Consumers in Financial Reform Bill
June 29th 2010Consumers will get new protections under the financial reform bill, but lawmakers stopped short of implementing a number of provisions that could have done more to protect consumers. Here's how the proposed financial reform bill will affect you.
"Ask the Expert:" Do Sleep-Away Camps Qualify for the Child Care Tax Credit?
June 28th 2010Parents with preteen kids can earn a tax credit for up to $1,200 to cover child care costs. Overnight sleep-away camps don't qualify for the dependent-care credit, but other child care costs you incur over the summer may be eligible.
Documentation Is Key in Diagnosis-Related Malpractice Suits
June 28th 2010A common contributor to medical malpractice lawsuits is a patient's claim that the physician never accurately communicated information related to the diagnosis. To defend themselves, doctors need to carefully document, communicate, and then follow up on their diagnoses.
Avoiding Those Twin Traps of Overtreatment and Therapeutic Nihilism
June 25th 2010End-of-life care is a subject many physicians would prefer to avoid. For the medical profession, is it that we feel held to such a high standard that the death of a patient represents failure? Or, more crassly, does a patient's passing imply a lost future source of revenue?
Get in Your Dream Car ... For a Fraction of the Cost
June 24th 2010If you've ever pictured yourself driving off in a Lamborghini or Ferrari, but didn't think you could afford it, there's a way you can enjoy the thrill of driving one without shelling out a year's income: Rent an exotic car for the weekend.
Offbeat Indicators Suggest Economy's on the Rebound
June 22nd 2010All the closely watched economic indicators -- retail sales, consumer prices, unemployment rates, and home prices -- are giving off mixed signals. But these under-the-radar indicators are surprisingly accurate at calling the direction of the economy ... and the news is good.
Investor Edge: Suits, Failures Add Up to a Rough Week for Biotechs
June 21st 2010It's been a rough ride for drug developers over the past week: Lawsuits, clinical-trial failures and warnings, and an investigation into possible insider trading hammered biotech stocks over the last week. We tally the damage.
New Child? Divorce? Time to Update Your Will
June 21st 2010Some studies show the majority of doctors in the U.S. don't have a will. If you do, estate planners urge you to be diligent about changing the terms and updating your IRA beneficiaries when family circumstances change, or your assets may not always be paid out according to your wishes. If you don't, get cracking.
It's About Time to Maximize Your Time
June 21st 2010The progressive rock band Rush wrote that "Time Stands Still" -- the harsh reality, however, is that time is a most fleeting commodity. And for physicians, time could be their most important asset. So the question becomes: How do you maximize time? Or perhaps more appropriately, how do you know when you're not maximizing time?
World Cup Lessons for Physician Business Owners
June 21st 2010Not being much of a soccer aficionado, I have nevertheless been captivated by the 2010 World Cup. While I hear many Americans bemoan the slow pace of the televised game, the low scores, and the vuvuzelas, I have been struck by lessons these matches have offered up for entrepreneurial physician business owners.
Ask the Expert: Should Investors Show a Preference for Preferred Stocks?
June 21st 2010Preferred stocks have been paying fat dividends over the last few years, as struggling companies offer higher yields to attract investors. A reader asks about pros and cons of investing in these stock/bond hybrids.
"Decanting" Makes Irrevocable Trusts More Flexible
June 18th 2010Irrevocable trusts can save physician families millions of dollars in estate taxes. But many avoid them because these trusts can be very inflexible. Now, new "decanting" laws in some states allow modifications to trusts when family circumstances change.