Report: Healthcare Reform Goals Achievable; Process is Difficult, Time Consuming
June 7th 2010Creating a patient-centered medical home is largely attainable, however, according to a two-year National Demonstration Project, the process is difficult and time-consuming, and requires "effort and self-motivation on behalf of practitioners."
Investor Edge: 10 Stocks to Watch at ASCO
June 7th 2010Biotech investors were on the lookout for this year's "sleeper hit" at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual cancer-drug conference. Here are 10 companies with share prices under $10 that generated significant buzz on Wall Street heading into the conference.
Stock Rally Follow-Through: Has it Failed?
June 5th 2010My primary objective in the stock market is to lose the least amount of money when I am wrong and make the most amount of money when I am right. As Friday's big sell-off clearly demonstrates, that goal's not easy to achieve in a market this random. After this week's "follow-through day," all bets are off on this signal of a fledgling rally.
CBO Chief Doug Elmendorf's Strange Ride
June 4th 2010President Obama and Democratic leaders told us when they passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that the American public would grow to like it. That certainly hasn't happened yet. My hope is that this law will be repealed, and not because it would be a political disaster for Democrats -- it's a disaster for them already.
Social Media Tools Help Practices Connect with Patients
June 4th 2010By now, you're more than familiar with the names Twitter, Facebook and YouTube -- the big three in social media. You've probably often been asked, ‘Why you don't have an online presence?' Experts say there are four good reasons to be using social media: marketing, public relations, market research and customer service. All four help to accomplish one goal: To connect you with your current and potential customers.
Shore up Your Practice's Disaster Plan With Business Interruption Insurance
June 3rd 2010Hurricane season 2010 officially begins this week, and experts predict it's going to be an exceptionally bad one. Business insurance will cover typical replacement costs if your medical office is hit. But what about the income lost while you can't see patients? For that, you need business interruption insurance.
What the Desert Taught Me About Survival
June 3rd 2010Joshua Tree National Park offers a glimpse into life on another planet. It's a hot, demanding place that forces you to slow down and evaluate your human survival skills. On a recent weekend visit, I also realized these same skills are ones that all entrepreneurs and small business owners need to survive.
Using Debt as a Financial-Planning Tool -- Not a Last Resort
June 3rd 2010Many people use debt for immediate gratification, or to plug a leak in a sudden financial hole. But used properly, debt can be a strategic financial-planning tool. Dr. Brown offers up two examples of how his own financial advisor saved him money by helping him to use credit wisely.
Healthcare Reforms Decimate Doctor-Owned Hospitals
June 2nd 2010Healthcare reform is decimating the nation's doctor-owned hospitals. Provisions of the new law ban the construction of new doctor-owned hospitals and place stiff restrictions on the expansion of existing facilities. As a result, doctors stand to lose millions.
Patient Data Breaches Are Soaring … Do You Know Where Your Laptop Is?
June 1st 2010Nearly two out of every five healthcare professionals reported a data security breach in 2009, up from just 13% the previous year, according to a recent survey. The majority of the breaches typically involve lost or stolen laptops and portable data-storage devices, and improperly discarded documents.
Will June Mean More Distribution and Selling in the Stock Market?
June 1st 2010After correctly calling May's sharp market reversal, Mike takes a look at where the stock market might be headed in June and outlines some of the factors investors need to consider to develop a plan. One scenario Mike will be watching for in the upcoming weeks is a stock-market bounce and weak rally attempt.
Lawmakers Head Home for the Holiday, Leaving 21 Percent Medicare Pay Cut in Tact
May 28th 2010Lawmakers infuriated doctors groups Friday after once again failing to act on the 21 percent Medicare pay cut for physicians, slated to take effect June 1. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services notified physicians it will delay processing claims for two weeks.
Home Prices Perk Up, but Is Now the Time to Sell?
May 28th 2010Though home prices have nudged higher in recent months, many physicians are holding off on selling real estate as they wait for values to ratchet up. But with many challenges looming, the direction of the housing market is still anybody's guess.
Oil-Spill Stock Scams May Take You to the Cleaners
May 27th 2010The Gulf of Mexico undersea oil disaster has spawned a growing tide of investment scams from con artists who claim to be profiting from cleanup operations. Here's how to spot an oil-spill stock scam, and what to do if you suspect you're a victim.
Concierge Firms Take the Hassle, Haggle Out of Buying a Car
May 27th 2010Shopping for a car takes lot of time -- something few physicians can afford. Haggling with dealers over price also makes many buyers queasy. Now, shoppers can sidestep the whole aggravating process by hiring "concierge" car-buying services.
Three Ways to Lower Real Estate Taxes and Lessen the Risk of Lawsuits
May 25th 2010Real estate is a popular investment among physicians, but many owners expose themselves to unnecessary lawsuit risks and end up paying far too much in taxes. Here are three smart strategies for lessening those risks and minimizing your tax burden.
Easing the Pain of EHR "Meaningful Use" Requirements
May 25th 2010Physicians may be able to save time, money and a lot of hassle by adopting a more modular approach to incorporating electronic health records into their practices. It may also help tame the frustration of meeting onerous EHR "meaningful use" requirements to qualify for federal funds.
The "Seven Sins" of Memory: Why Financial Crises Keep Happening
May 25th 2010Joachim Klement delves into role memory plays in why financial crises keep recurring over time in his working paper "The Flaws of Our Financial Memory." The chief investment officer of Zurich's Wellershoff & Partners Ltd., believes the problem can be traced to flaws in memory that he calls the "seven sins."
A Unique Tax Strategy for a Roth IRA Conversion
May 24th 2010This year, savers can convert traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs no matter how much they earn -– though high-income healthcare professionals don't seem in a big rush to do it. Now, some financial advisors are suggesting a unique Roth conversion tactic that may be worth a look.
Study Finds Twitter Is Used to Spread Health Misinformation - Part II
May 19th 2010This isn't the first time that Twitter has been in the news due to its ability to disseminate less-than-reliable information about an important health topic. So what can you do about patients who look to Twitter for medical advice?