Investment Alternatives for a Toppy Market
October 30th 2009The challenge for an investor in this toppy market is how best to get a return out of newly placed money no matter where the market lands. Money markets and short term CDs return little and investing in stocks or exchange traded funds could have its own set of problems. So what's an investor to do?
A Different Kind of Investor: Ahead of the Curve
October 23rd 2009In the tax free shop at the Heathrow airport, I bought some cosmetics duty free at an exchange rate of $1.65 per pound. I didn't feel so great later on when I found out that the exchange rate for the day was $1.58 per pound. My airport experience is similar to many investors that don’t pay attention to cost and therefore get bit in the butt when they invest. The reason is this they aren’t aware of their loss.
Limited Bang for Earnings Reporting Buck
October 21st 2009From third quarter earnings reports, it appears as if we're seeing a tired market. However comparisons should look better in the fourth quarter, indicating that this pause in action is apt to be one that refreshes, as opposed to one that reverberates, as a strong sell signal.
The Changing Rheumatology Practice
October 21st 2009This session focused on the challenges that mandate change in the healthcare system, looked at high-priority improvement opportunities, discussed the use of continuous quality improvement methods to manage change, and emphasized the importance "thinking in systems."
Can Your Practice Handle Clinical Research?
October 17th 2009If you’ve never considered clinical research appropriate for your portfolio of service offerings, or have, but decided it’s too daunting of a task, Alvin Wells lays out the steps necessary to integrate this personally and financially rewarding aspect of medicine into your practice.