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© Vital 3D Technologies
Bioprinting set to revolutionize primary health care by lowering costs and expediting services

September 4th 2024

In the future, will physicians use 3D printers to create new tissues for patients? Here’s how bioprinting could affect primary care through treatment of chronic conditions, wounds, organ transplantation, and more.

AI tool can help diagnose dementia: ©Feng Yu -
AI tool improves diagnostic accuracy for dementia by 26%

August 28th 2024

AI medical devices not thoroughly vetted: © Toowongsa -
Nearly half of FDA-authorized AI tools may be ineffective

August 27th 2024

Paola Bianchi Delp: ©CareNu
How artificial intelligence is revolutionizing decision-making in health care

August 26th 2024

Generative AI in health care: How far do we have to go and what can we do to accelerate progress?

August 23rd 2024

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